Street Maintenance And Runway technologies
Smart Manufacturing Inc.
The Z-Trailer
The Weed-It
5,000 Gallon Deicer with 75' Stainless Steel Booms
Smart Combo, liquid tote and dry-box deicer
Boomless RRR (Ramp, Roadway and Runway) Deicer
The 3 point, hard mounting system, lessens trailer sway to almost zero.
New spring loaded caster design virtually eliminates caster chatter, resulting in an exceptionally smooth ride.
When the Smart Sprayer detects a weed, it releases a precision blast of weed killer directly on the specific weed detected. The benefits of this system include, cost savings on chemical herbicide as well as lessening the environmental impact associated with over application.
Our Z-Trailer is ideal for transporting
Zero-Turn lawn sprayers.
New and improved caster design!
Easily accommodates the largest of zero turn sprayers. Over 1,900 lb. GTW!
(approximately 1,500 lb. load capacity)